Grenta Hume 8500

Product Features:
Grenta Hume contains humic substances that enhance water retention efficiency in the root zone of the soil. It has a high content of fulvic acid, which chelates fertilizer elements, preventing them from leaching with irrigation water.

Humic acids reduce fertilizer usage by up to 30%, promoting vegetative growth by increasing photosynthesis. They also increase the soil’s water-holding capacity, improve plant disease resistance, and encourage the natural balance of beneficial microorganisms in the soil.

Furthermore, Grenta Hume enhances the effectiveness of pesticides when mixed with them.


– Potassium Humate: 90%

Product Features:
Grenta Hume contains humic substances that enhance water retention efficiency in the root zone of the soil. It has a high content of fulvic acid, which chelates fertilizer elements, preventing them from leaching with irrigation water.

Humic acids reduce fertilizer usage by up to 30%, promoting vegetative growth by increasing photosynthesis. They also increase the soil’s water-holding capacity, improve plant disease resistance, and encourage the natural balance of beneficial microorganisms in the soil.

Furthermore, Grenta Hume enhances the effectiveness of pesticides when mixed with them.

Usage Rate:
Apply 1 to 1.5 kg per acre for soil application.
Apply 0.5 to 1 kg per 600 liters of water for foliar spray.


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