Bert Mix

Bert Mix promotes the spread of the root system, containing 50% fulvic acid and 5% indole butyric acid, the most powerful growth regulator in enhancing root spread. It is suitable for all irrigation systems: drip, spray, and surface irrigation, and it suits all field crops, vegetables, fruits, and ornamental plants. Bert Mix is a strong alternative to major and minor fertilizers as a complete meal for plant nutrition. It is the optimal solution for compensating for nutrient deficiencies in saline and alkaline soils, containing organic matter and fulvic acid, which lowers soil pH and enriches the soil’s nutrients. It increases the green mass by consisting of a major and minor element mix.



Nitrogen: 3%
Phosphorus: 5%
Iron: 1%
Zinc: 1%
Calcium: 2%
Manganese: 1%
Magnesium: 4%
Boron: 1%
Growth regulators: 0.5%
Fulvic Acid: 50%

Product Features:
Bert Mix promotes the spread of the root system, containing 50% fulvic acid and 5% indole butyric acid, the most powerful growth regulator in enhancing root spread. It is suitable for all irrigation systems: drip, spray, and surface irrigation, and it suits all field crops, vegetables, fruits, and ornamental plants. Bert Mix is a strong alternative to major and minor fertilizers as a complete meal for plant nutrition. It is the optimal solution for compensating for nutrient deficiencies in saline and alkaline soils, containing organic matter and fulvic acid, which lowers soil pH and enriches the soil’s nutrients. It increases the green mass by consisting of a major and minor element mix.

Usage Rate:
For foliar spray: 200-300 grams per 100 liters of water.
For soil application: 1 kg per acre – repeat treatment as needed by the plant.



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